Sunday, May 4, 2014

It's Been A Year!!!

Alright guys, my last post was a year ago!!  A lot has happened!  I am still into fitness don't get me wrong, but I really have been focusing more on my eating.  I am happy to announce that I am down 32 pounds!  I am only 22 pounds away from my first short term goal (I'll be under 200 pounds!!), and only 52 pounds away from my long term goal.  

I have been eating a mostly vegetarian diet, with moderate exercise using a heart rate monitor.  I have incorporated weight training and still run on occasion, but now I mostly power walk and do the elliptical.  

I am happy!  My pants are loose, and I feel great.  I'm going to update more when I can.  I just thought I would stop in and get this thing started again!!